I don't have much time to write, but I wanted to share Lee Harris's Energy reading for today...It is So beautifully on point....In Oneness, With Source Love....Namaste, Lou Anne
And as you dive deeper into them, you feel it all more than ever before.
You see what the thoughts in you are as they rise more than you could ever see your thoughts before.
You allow the chaos of all this experience to rise in you, for you have no choice.
You learn this quickly.
For if you try to control or fight it, things just feel harder and more 'against' you.
So you surrender. It is the only choice.
And it leaves you at the bottom of your ocean.
And then you realise that the bottom of the ocean, where you now find yourself, is not in-fact, to be feared.
Not at all.
It IS a different world than the one you knew, yes, but it is one you can be safe in and find new space in.
Once you adjust and realise that the seeming chaos and speed is part of the deal.
It comes from the impulse of electricity driving us all right now.
It presents a choice to feel everything and allow the chaos, yet find your direction within that in each and every fast changing moment.
As a world we are in a force of change that asks you to flow with it.
As an individual you are in a force of change that asks you to find rebirth within it and the loss of old identity.
This takes courage, and faith that you will be safe without your old ways.
Can you be ready to stop seeing yourself as 'blocked', 'resistant', not yet 'there'.
To let go of these old ideas, aims and ways of pushing yourself to grow?
And instead accept that wherever you find yourself today, it needs NO judgement for judgement will only make you feel worse. MUCH worse, and perhaps that is the spiral you are used to.
A downward one.
Can you accept that where you find yourself today only requires great compassion, from you, towards you.
Today needs you to be as kind to yourself as you would be to a friend who was struggling.
So take your foot off the accelerator. Stop buying into the stress, the speed or the depression of others as anything you need to swallow whole and thus also become in yourself.
We absorb each others energy all the time, so pay attention to who you are around and whether their energy would be nutritious or toxic to you today.
We absorb each others energy all the time, so pay attention to who you are around and whether their energy would be nutritious or toxic to you today.
Be mindful of the company you keep, but do not judge them for where they are.
You can bear compassionate witness for where they are. Yes.
And Empaths, you don't need to feel or fear the size of their electrical releases.
You have your own to deal with, so observe and leave anything that feels too big for you to handle.
Breathe and say 'I am safe in my centre'. 'I release that which is not mine'.
And know we are ALL in this together, navigating a time we have never seen like this on Earth.
An intensity we have not yet been through.
And right now, these pulses are electrifying all of us to keep on rising, keep on clearing and integrating in our bodies and our souls, all we have been learning over the past years.
Sometimes it's a messy act, this thing of being human.
Spirit knows this, and loves you anyway.
Can you love yourself that much, despite how you are feeling?
Can you let the layers of human judgment and suppression we have all absorbed and identified with, fall away. Even if it looks and feels messy?
Because THERE lies the key.
Loving yourself through these rapid releases. Even the ones that are disorientating you the most.
There lies the peace that we can all learn to find at the bottom of the ocean.
For once we accept how different it seems, we start to realise how safe and connected it all is.
You are very loved.
Never forget that and you will never forget to love.
And then, love will be the fuel that keeps you warm in the world.
Just as you will keep its flame alive wherever you go.
Much love everyone
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