Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Hi All You BEings OF Light!

I thought I'd share this great article by Inelia Benz! I have been following her work since 2010. Here is a little about her....

About Inelia Benz

This is Inelia’s first incarnation on any planet, so she was born free from self-importance, attachments, personal agendas, personal evolution, or a desire for soul advancement. She arrived knowing only that the planet needed to vibrate at a higher level in order to undergo a global ascension. What she did not know was how to assist in raising the vibration and how to communicate the need for a higher vibration to others. Initially, Inelia tried emulating other people’s actions by getting married, having children having problems, and learning about human suffering. Although this gave her a deeper understanding of what others considered important, it did not assist in reaching the aim of global ascension....for more information about Inelia, click here Go To and visit her site.

You are powerful and they don't want you to know it. Who are "they"?
"They" are the individuals who project authority onto themselves, and make the rest of us think we need to hear things from them, get their permission, or pay them dues for living on the planet. Why do we give them all this authority over us? Because we have been taught to from day one to do so. And because if we don't, we are told we will die, or worse, we will suffer.
Now, let's not fall into the victim/aggressor cycle here. "They" exist because we all agree to have them there.  The majority of us find it easier to have someone manage the majority of our lives, tell us what is "real", what is not "real", give us "official information channels", and tell us how to live our lives.
When I first became a public person, a man told me that he did not like that I would look at vibrational lines, situations and events, and simply state what I was seeing with full authority. He suggested I add the words "in my view", or "my opinion is". In other words, he wanted me to step down from my personal authority. Why? Because it threatened him. You see, any of us can be in full control and use our personal authority, but others will see and react to it as they do to "formal" authority, that it is something imposed on them that they have to accept without question.
However, I don't have any attachment, nor allocate any importance, to whether a person "believes me" or thinks that I am "full of BS". Why? Because I speak my truth, my reality, my seeing. And I fully accept that their seeing can be different.  And that's OK!
You are POWERFUL and they don't want you to know it. This fact is true.
Power-full. Full of power. Full of Chi, full of ability to do. It means you can completely reinvent yourself with one strong personal decision which you follow through with a change of mind, thoughts, words and actions.
Enough of us realizing this fact, can literally change the planet and how we experience life on it.
Often, when speaking with advanced spiritual seekers, I will tell them that their lives have no meaning and no importance. That their search for spiritual perfection is meaningless. That their daily lives are irrelevant.  Most, not all, freak out. Why? Because it is part of this physical existence's game to have a meaning and be important.  We may value watching soap operas or football on TV as little meaning, and reaching enlightenment as a big meaning. But it's simply grades of meaning. Both are false Gods.
Meaning, and the search for it, is a distraction.   The fact is, you are an eternal, divine all powerful being, and the rest is just a dream.  We do like to give our dreams meaning though, right?
And by realizing that meaning and importance, whether ours or someone else's, is just an illusion, a distraction, a link in the chain of enslavement, we can truly step into our POWER.
Power= the ability to do = Chi
We value our lives, and the lives of others. And this is also a key element to living our lives powerfully.  When we start valuing without judgment through meaning (whether ours or society's), our lives begin to morph into something completely different.  When we value without agendas, we are free from the agendas of others. When we put what matters to us under the microscope of our conscious awareness, we can manifest matter (physical experience) which we choose by design, and not unconscious or programmed meaning or importance.
Why has meaning and importance been given so much attachment? Because all one needs to do to distract a person, a society, a planet, is to give it a focus of attention on the small self, the ego, the present life or something else, and call it "meaningful". And if you want to break that person or society, all you have to do is to take that meaning or importance away.
A real life example is: Telling someone, "I love you because you are beautiful", this sentence has meaning and importance on beauty. As opposed to telling someone, "you are love embodied". This second one is simply a statement of fact without importance or meaning.  And feeling it, knowing it, is called "unconditional love".
Another example would be: Driving an expensive, sporty car because it makes you feel young, sexy, important, and lets others know you are wealthy. As opposed to driving it because you love the experience of luxury, the sound of the engine and the fast speeds. The first is meaning, the second is pure experience.
A while ago, I switched off the universe of light/dark experience. But a few milliseconds later, it came back like it had never been switched off. So I did it again. And again it came back. I wondered why it kept coming back, with all its imperfections, wars, suffering and enslavement of consciousness.  The answer was very, very simple - the human collective is not done playing out this scene yet. The unraveling of meaning, importance, individualism, separation and conquering is not yet complete. Each person has to reach that realization by themselves, or it won't be done.
I invite you to switch off the paradigm of meaning and importance, and step into the paradigm of consciously chosen high vibrational experience of the present moment, and conscious creation of high vibraitonal reality for yourself and others.
This information, the information contained in this article, is dangerous. It is filled with reality shattering energy and data. It is here to challenge your reality construct and it is being expressed because it is time you stepped into your power. If now is not the time for you to fully step into your power, you would have stopped reading this article on the second paragraph and would not be reading these words. Or, you will have a blank in a few minutes when you try to remember what it says.
Let's share this information far and wide!
More empowering Reality Construction information on: Rules of Engagement Talks.

In Oneness With Source,
Lou Anne

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Hi All You BEings of Light!!

I KNOW.....I've not posted much in the last 2 weeks....my bad...lots of transition going on in my life and the planet...I did want to share with you a wonderful interview by Hope Girl with Nick McKenny of  the-one-network.org about the Free Energy Projects already in place, for those who are done with paying for something that is and always has been free for our use.....check this out!  Also check the One Peoples Round Table Radio Show, this afternoon at 4pm EST Go To....talk about BEings of Light....I LOVE these guys....Tune in and enjoy the Unconditional Love and the best Intel you'll ever here....  

In Oneness With Source,


Lou Anne

Monday, December 1, 2014

Hi All you BEings of Light!

I have to share this video that one of my soul family, Brian Kelly had on his blog!! The artist's name is Prince Ea....his message is in your face, and it's all true....Change comes from within....To change what is happening on the planet, you have to willing to look inside....and it all comes from the heart.....I LOVE this, because it's what I subscribe to every single day, ...Unconditional Love ... click here.

Also to enjoy more videos and some mind blowing information, please check out Brian's Blog, here.
"BE" THE CHANGE . Namaste.

In Oneness With Source,

With Unconditional Love,

Lou Anne

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Hi All You BEings of Source Light!!

I hope you all are having a great start to your holiday!  I posted a few personal FAVs on my FB timeline for you all to enjoy...www.facebook.com/louanne.ca
 Yesterday, I came across a phenominal movie sent to me by Lisa Garr, who hosts the online radio show, The Aware Show, that covers the gammit of health, wellness, healing, and spiritual/personal transformation.
The movie is called ....."Origins"  Please click on the  link, grab some organic/nonGMO popcorn, and watch this beautifully created story that reminds us of who we truly are as the collective human conscious.....AND please share this as much as possible, as this is a limited premiere.  Namaste....

In ONEness With Source Light,

Loving you All Unconditioanly,

Lou Anne


Monday, November 24, 2014

Hello All You BEings of  Light and Source Love!

I don't have much time to write, but I wanted to share Lee Harris's Energy reading for today...It is So beautifully on point....In Oneness, With Source Love....Namaste, Lou Anne

And as you dive deeper into them, you feel it all more than ever before. 
You see what the thoughts in you are as they rise more than you could ever see your thoughts before.

You allow the chaos of all this experience to rise in you, for you have no choice. 
You learn this quickly.
For if you try to control or fight it, things just feel harder and more 'against' you. 
So you surrender. It is the only choice.
And it leaves you at the bottom of your ocean.

And then you realise that the bottom of the ocean, where you now find yourself, is not in-fact, to be feared. 
Not at all.
It IS a different world than the one you knew, yes, but it is one you can be safe in and find new space in. 
Once you adjust and realise that the seeming chaos and speed is part of the deal.

It comes from the impulse of electricity driving us all right now. 
It presents a choice to feel everything and allow the chaos, yet find your direction within that in each and every fast changing moment.

As a world we are in a force of change that asks you to flow with it. 
As an individual you are in a force of change that asks you to find rebirth within it and the loss of old identity.

This takes courage, and faith that you will be safe without your old ways.

Can you be ready to stop seeing yourself as 'blocked', 'resistant', not yet 'there'. 
To let go of these old ideas, aims and ways of pushing yourself to grow?
And instead accept that wherever you find yourself today, it needs NO judgement for judgement will only make you feel worse. MUCH worse, and perhaps that is the spiral you are used to. 
A downward one.

Can you accept that where you find yourself today only requires great compassion, from you, towards you. 
Today needs you to be as kind to yourself as you would be to a friend who was struggling. 

So take your foot off the accelerator. Stop buying into the stress, the speed or the depression of others as anything you need to swallow whole and thus also become in yourself.  

We absorb each others energy all the time, so pay attention to who you are around and whether their energy would be nutritious or toxic to you today.
Be mindful of the company you keep, but do not judge them for where they are.
You can bear compassionate witness for where they are. Yes. 

And Empaths, you don't need to feel or fear the size of their electrical releases.
You have your own to deal with, so observe and leave anything that feels too big for you to handle.
Breathe and say 'I am safe in my centre'. 'I release that which is not mine'.

And know we are ALL in this together, navigating a time we have never seen like this on Earth.
An intensity we have not yet been through.

And right now, these pulses are electrifying all of us to keep on rising, keep on clearing and integrating in our bodies and our souls, all we have been learning over the past years. 

Sometimes it's a messy act, this thing of being human. 
Spirit knows this, and loves you anyway. 
Can you love yourself that much, despite how you are feeling? 
Can you let the layers of human judgment and suppression we have all absorbed and identified with, fall away. Even if it looks and feels messy?

Because THERE lies the key. 
Loving yourself through these rapid releases. Even the ones that are disorientating you the most.

There lies the peace that we can all learn to find at the bottom of the ocean.
For once we accept how different it seems, we start to realise how safe and connected it all is.

You are very loved.
Never forget that and you will never forget to love.
And then, love will be the fuel that keeps you warm in the world. 
Just as you will keep its flame alive wherever you go.

Much love everyone

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Hi Again, All YOU Beings of Light!

You might be wondering, why I'm posting in small increments, today....Well, I did want to get all my farm photo's up, becuz I'm behind, but I''m also taking mini breaks from studying for several exams for my next
employment opportunity....which I will keep you posted on as things unfold...So let me get a few more photos up....this is actually the pumpkin patch which is next to my house....if you click on it you might see a few pumpkins out there...

the front of my house...

Last vestiges of Fall....

and sunrise off my deck....on a snowy morning...

There we go....it looks like I've got this down now, the photos, I mean....STUDYING, WHEW, that's a whole 'nuther thing....I AM SO RUSTY....UGH....LOL.

In ONEness


Lou Anne

Hi All YOU Beings of Light!

I'm going to try and post some more photos from the farm....these will being scenic ones....let's see how I do on these....
OKAY....I'm still having technical difficulties, cuz I wanted to add more....but
2 of these are: a sunrise,  and Fall colors; the view is from top of the stairs,, off the barn
from processing....the other is sunset from my deck...I'll keep trying... Again, In ONEness,


Lou Anne

Hi All YOU Beings of Light......
I've been meaning to share some cool photos I took on the farm....Some Cool crop photo's of purple and cheddar colored cauliflower....and an extraordinary cauliflower, called Romanesco...I found this explaination online:" the most fascinating part of Romanesco is its appearance. Its spiraled buds form a natural approximation of a fractal, meaning each bud in the spiral is composed of a series of smaller buds. (Remember the Fibonacci sequence from school? The spirals follow the same logarithmic pattern)."

Cool Beans, huh?
Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to edit photos, then continue writing under them...lol

So I will sign off for now, but will post again, cuz I have some more cool photos to share...In ONEness,


Lou Anne


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Hi All You Beings of Light!

Just a quick entry for now, but one I SO resonate with!! It's a note I get in my email everyday from Neale Donald Walsch.....It's SO PERFECT....In ONEness,


Lou Anne

On this day of your life,
Lou Anne, I believe God wants you to know...   
...that it would not be beneficial to believe your Mind
on matters that are very important to you.

Your Mind can base its conclusions only on Past Data
that it has collected during your present experience of Physicalization.
It has no knowledge of things existing through all Eternity.

In order to access data having to do with Who You Really Are,
and why any particular thing is occurring, you would
have to have access to data from outside your present Time Line.
This data is only accessible through your soul.
It appears in your life as a "knowing."
Trust this.
Love,  Your Friend ...

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Hello All You Light Beings!!!

OMG....I have to share this phenominal video, by the Thrive Movement....Everything  that Foster and Kimberly talk about,  has been known to me for quite sometime....I was the wife of a "very high ranking" military intelligence officer......that's WHY this info is beyond COOL.....there is NO FEAR, just a KNOWING .....ENJOY.....Smell the COFFEE!!!!

WOO HOO!!!!!

In Oneness....

Namaste....Lou Anne

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Hi Again All You Beings Of  Light!!1

OKAY...I guess I'm making up for all my non- posts today,..lol...I Watch a handful of  TV programs....Mostly in entertainment, like Americas Got Talent, X_Factor....I do that because of what I have been seeing on these shows....NO MORE PACKAGED TALENT....these BEings of Light are singing from their SOUL/HEART, which is more WISE, and On Purpose ....Music is the Vibrational  BRIDGE to Source Love....AND I have witnessed SO many of these switched on younger vocal talents, that to me, and apparently the judges, too, are feeling their's a WHOLE NOTHER generation of enlightened-hooked up-earth angels...the depth and KNOWINGNESS/PASSION of their  vocals...I SEE these young/ knowing Souls.... All of my high school soulmates remember the music we created, and the audience loved ....so in honor of my  high school singing soul sistas...who remember some very cool memories of Sister Sharon Ann's Chorus Class in the "Round Room"  I'd like to share this video....I Love You All SO MUCH!!!....please click on this link....

To My Singing Soul Sista's

This is what I KNOW....

I AM so Grateful that I have a musical voice that can vibrationally raise the Collective Consciousness of Humanity....

In Oneness....

Namaste...Lou Anne
Hi All You Beings of Light!

Holy Moly, I am so behind on posting quality entries.....I don't know about you all, but there is ALOT of energy on the planet causing some more than usual craziness in friends, family, etc....Thanks to my dear friend, and Spriritual Teacher, Brenda Tenerelli, I'd like to share a great article she posted on FB, that explains ALOT of what is going on..... You can find the original article here....Here's the link 


Information and Geometry to Assist
in Navigating Intense Sunspot Activity

A Two Part Series
Humanity and our beloved blue-green planet are in the midst of an intense period of energetic upgrades being delivered to us from the center of the galaxy via our Sun. These upgrades are part of theAscension of All Matter that our beloved Ascended Masters have been preparing us for through the previous work of the team we now know as The Rising Way.

Those of you that are familiar with the Imzaia material will recognize this phrase and what we have been taught about its meaning. Those of you who are not will soon learn of it as Practical Ascension training for all humanity unfolds thanks to Kwan Yin and the team!
In this article I will provide an overview of the science and history behind what is happening in our solar system. The companion articlePart Two will provide Grids of Geometric Light Language to use as tools to assist in the absorption, processing and utilization of the cosmic influx of high energy magnetic and photonic particles bombarding us at the present time.

Solar Cycles and Sun Spots
Solar Cycles consist of the magnetic pole reversal of the Sun and are measured in 11 year periods beginning from the year 1755. We are currently in Solar Cycle 24, which began in 2008. The NOAA/Space Weather Prediction center predicted that the cycle would peak around 2012, but recent unexpected activity has prompted scientists to propose a double peak in this solar cycle that we are still experiencing as we move into late 2014.
Each year Sun spot and geomagnetic activity increase and decrease cyclically with October being particularly active — October 2014 is proving to be very exciting! Sunspot AR 12192 has been found to be the largest sunspot recorded since 1990, and is not showing any signs of quieting down. During the days of October 19-26, 2014 the Jupiter sized sunspot has created multiple flares each day with 6 substantial flares including 3 X class (the most powerful flares) within a period of less than 48 hours!

Sun spots are areas on the surface of the Sun where the local magnetic field is very strong and appears darker because they are cooler than the surrounding areas. Solar Flares are powerful bursts of radiation that occur when these buildups of magnetic energy explode on the surface of the Sun. Flares are the most powerful explosions that occur in the solar system and can equal the intensity of 1 billion hydrogen bombs! Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) generated by solar flares are bubbles of magnetized gas and supercharged particles blown out from the Sun which travel at a million miles an hour towards Earth.

These geomagnetic storms produce solar winds of charged photonic and electromagnetic particles that are bombarding Earth through weakened and breached areas in the magnetosphere of our planet. These breaches were discovered by NASA’s THEMIS mission in 2008 just as the current solar cycle began, and scientists began then to predict that the intensity of geomagnetic storms would greatly increase.

Galactic Superwaves, Magnetism, and the Ascension of All Matter
It is speculated that the Sun is being triggered into this intense activity by the emission of cosmic particles from the center of our galaxy. In the November 20, 2009 issue of Nature, co-authors John Wefel of Louisiana State University, and Jim Adams of the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center reported that an international team of researchers had discovered a puzzling surplus of high-energy electrons bombarding Earth from space. Galactic cosmic rays are subatomic particles accelerated to almost light speed by distant supernova explosions and other violent events. They swarm through the Milky Way, forming a haze of high energy particles that enter the solar system from all directions.
These cosmic rays are now being referred to as Galactic Super Waves. The effects of Galactic Super Waves on the evolution of planet Earth for millions of years and their influence on the currently shifting heliosphere of our solar system and magnetosphere of our planet are being presented by scientists such as Paul A.LaViolette and observed by Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope astronomers.

The Earth’s magnetic field has been decreasing for the last 2000 years, but the rate of decrease suddenly became much more rapid 500 years ago. Now, in the last 20 years or so, the magnetic field has become erratic. The behavior of the magnetic fields of the Sun and the Earth as they align and contact each other had changed so drastically by 2009 that many scientists’ understanding of things had been completely overturned.
Scientists from the Russian National Academy of Science in Siberia have come to the conclusion that we have moved into an area of space that is different and has a much higher energy level; changes that are being recorded in space that have never been seen before. The Russians have looked at the leading edge of our Sun’s heliosphere and they have observed glowing plasma energy. The change from what was known and accepted to the way it is now represents a 1000 percent increase.

These Russian scientists feel that the continued expansion of the heliosphere will eventually take us into a new level of energy, that there will probably be a sudden expansion of the basic harmonic wavelengths that the Sun emits as it radiates energy out of itself, and that this increase in energy emission will change the basic nature of all matter in the Solar System.

The scientists of the Russian National Academy of Science also state, as do others, that due to this energetic phenomenon the spiral of our DNA is actually changing as well.
In the Imzaia material, Ekara tells us of the brilliant auroras in the sky as the magnetism of the members of the Lemurian race was absorbed into the electromagnetic field of the planet. In the time since December 2012, we are witnessing auroras across much of the northern hemisphere as the field is again shifting, as humanity is being transformed into magnetic creator beings of an ascending race.
The beloved Imzaia teachings also explain to us that our energy field consists of a geometric layer which had been compressed and restricted by the heavy electromagnetic field of our planet, but which we are now free to utilize. The scientific data summarized here and found in the references provided at the end of this article illustrates how the magnetic/energetic environment in which we exist on planet Earth has changed and is changing so drastically that we can again use this geometric space to expand our heightened consciousness and create our world around us!

Solar Flares, the Pineal Gland and the Human Condition
As early as 1915, some scientists were beginning to recognize connections between solar activity and human behavior. This work began with Russian scientist Alexander Chizhevsky, who observed mass changes in human behavior correlated to Sunspot cycles. In the 1930s, Professor Raymond Wheeler, a historian at the University of Kansas, used numerical rankings to validate the correlation of war cycles to solar cycles. The connection between charged particles (solar flares, cme’s) and their effect on animals and humans was outlined extensively back in 2003 as in the book Solar Rain – The Earth Changes Have Begun.
More recently a study in the New Scientist magazine in 2008 proved a direct connection between the Sun’s solar storms and the human biological system. As seekers of truth and students of higher consciousness, most of us realize that everything is interconnected. These connections, which many times are unable to be seen through the limited field of human awareness, act as two-way portals and tunnels through which energy particles and fields travel through. In 2007 scientists uncovered an elaborate and vast web of cosmic filaments hundreds of millions of light years long that connect galaxies to each other; in 2008 NASA publicly stated that magnetic portals exist which connect the electromagnetic fields of the Sun and the Earth.

The conduit which steers Earth’s weather through the Magnetic Field on Earth is the same conduit that facilitates the influx of charged particles from the Sun through the magnetic (auric) field around the human body. Scientists now know that the human brain contains “millions of tiny magnetic particles” that connect us to the Earth’s magnetic field in a powerful way as a human antenna. We are both transmitters and receivers of subtle energy, or consciousness. There appears to be a direct connection between the Sun’s solar storms and human emotional and biological effect, especially after an ‘X’ class solar flare such as those we are experiencing this week.
The pineal gland is of particular importance when looking at profound shifts in society and consciousness as well as physical and emotional turmoil on a personal level during this time of electromagnetic transformation. It turns out that this tiny gland in the center of our brain that has been professed to be a DMT production laboratory and our gateway into more subtle planes and dimensions of reality also regulates circadian rhythm and melatonin production… and is incredibly sensitive to magnetic fields.
Geomagnetic Activity, Cellular Memory, Thought and Emotion
Heather Carlini of the Carlini Institute gathers and reports data on symptoms experienced during periods of increased solar activity.

She states that:
“Solar flares affect the Central Nervous System (stomach lining), all brain activity (including equilibrium), along with human behavior and all psycho-physiological (mental-emotional-physical) response. Solar flares can cause us to be nervous, anxious, worrisome, jittery, dizzy, shaky, irritable, lethargic, exhausted, have short term memory problems, heart palpitations, nauseous, queasy, and to have prolonged head pressure and headaches.”

Heather states that:
“The solar flares and photon waves are changing the fabric of our physical reality as they have a dramatic effect on our physical cellular level, causing our cellular memories to awaken and clear.”
She explains that emotionally charged memories are of a lower frequency and become stored in our cells, and that:
“These emotions are the energetic content of our cellular memory imprints releasing things that happened in this lifetime, a past lifetime, or from our ancestral history.”
Photon energy is of a much higher frequency, and when it pulses through us during periods of geomagnetic activity it is actually pulling up this low frequency cellular memory to calibrate to the higher frequencies. We experience this re-calibration as periods of unexplained emotional stress, old feelings washing over us as they are released and transformed from our cellular memories. The research of the Carlini Institute has shown that these spells of emotional stress usually last only about 20 minutes or so, but can have detrimental lasting effects on us physically if we do not take conscious action to understand and process what is going on.

In her article Aligning with the Higher Frequencies of Evolution, Heather Carlini explains that:
“Our nervous system is being rebuilt, widened, and strengthened to accommodate an increase in informatic conscious data. When we face an event that is out of the norm, for which we have no point of reference, our nervous system goes into fight or flight energy causing anxiety, and when it becomes overloaded it tends to shut down causing exhaustion. The two nervous systems (the sympathetic and the parasympathetic) are activated at this time.”

These feelings of anger, grief, sadness or stress cause our adrenal glands to become depleted and fill our bodies with excess cortisol.

“As the solar flare activity increases on the Sun, blocks in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are magnified. The (emotional) blocks are lower frequency energy and the higher frequency energies from the solar flares are causing the unexpressed emotions to surface. The body may process these higher frequencies through intense emotions, dreams, body pain, flu-like symptoms, nausea, anxiety, itchy skin, headaches etc. Each part of the physical body where we hold our cellular memories is speaking its own unique body language through the symptomology of the non-conscious immune system asking for assistance and healing.”

It is important to understand what is going on during these intense solar bombardments and take measures to alleviate discomfort and the effects of stress on our physical systems. The Carlini Institute suggests that we stay hydrated, and take Omega 3 as an antidote to the energy depleting process of releasing emotional toxins.
I suggest that we also use the tools of Geometric Light Language which will be found in Part Two of this article to assist us in flooding our aura with resonant geometry and taking an active role in grounding, focusing and directing these high frequency particles towards our goals.
Of course this intensification of energies can also simultaneously generate inspired action and profound enlightenment with inner knowing.

Heather Carlini explains that:
“The elements of our soul’s blueprint are interfaced in the cellular consciousness, and when the blueprint is amplified through photon energies various elements of the blueprint leak into our consciousness and we begin to remember our soul’s purpose.”

Profound dreams, ‘downloads’ and other forms of Soul communication with aspects of our higher selves, our guides, angels and any form of off-planet consciousness with whom we wish to communicate is facilitated by this high-energy environment — especially if we take measures to positively process, absorb, ground and utilize the cosmic gift of these exotic particles!
I invite you to continue into Part Two of Tools for the Solar Maximum, where I will provide grids and translations of geometries that can be used in meditations, spiritual practices, or just to assist you in being centered and present as you go about your day.
By gazing upon these colors and shapes, arranged in patterns of universal resonance, we help not only ourselves, but transmit these energies into the shared collective fields of all that is.

Angela Savitri

This IS phenominal info....

In Oneness....

Namaste....Lou Anne

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hi Again, All You Beings of Light!!

I'm going to throw you all a curve ball....A few years ago, I was inspired/Divinely Guided  to write a book about Fearlessness.....I have already compiled some wonderful data of my own, to include in my book....But What I would like is that you post your experiences of fearlessness....I welcome your input, and experiences....I'd also like to share a favorite quote of mine, that I SO resonate with....

"Fearless is not only possible, it is the ultimate joy.  When you touch nonfear, you are free."

Thich Nhat Hahn

Time for bed,

In Oneness.....


Lou Anne
Hi All You Beings of Light!!

I KNOW it's been a week since my last post....Lots going on here on the farm. I've got a few more pics for your enjoyment....We are clearing out the fields, repairing high tunnels, getting ready for the winter months....also planted a ton of garlic cloves this week, you'd think I'd never want to see another clove again....nope, love the stuff!!.....My roommate for the last 2 months, Tess, has left the farm, taking on an assistant manager postion.on another farm near Macon, Georgia.  She is already missed by all, and wish her much love an success....Tess is a wonderful artist, , too, so I did want to share a couple of  her drawings....they are SO COOL!  Thanks Tess!!!  Love you lots!!!

I'm having issues with my curser....so I'm going to end this tiny post and write another one in a bit....In Oneness...


Lou Anne

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Hi All You Beings of Light....

I've been putting in lots of hours on the farm....so I'm a bit behind on my postings....however I did want to share with you something....I'm a huge follower of the talent shows on TV....because it showcases the talents of SO MANY...Indigo's who are sharing their PASSION< JOY< PURPOSE< TALENT< LIGHT . I want share with you one of those from "America's Got Talent" UK....Meet Lettice..FYI...I LOVE her Wit, too....she is an old soul with a young VIBE....I know We'd have a good old time.....Enjoy!...Namaste....Be ready to be BLOWN AWAY

In Oneness....


Lou Anne

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Hi All You Beings of Light!

This came to me in my email.....I KNOW this information...Sacred Science... I always have....I'm sending you this link .  Please click on it.... To alleviate health issues is to eat healthy food, but food that has not been impacted by corporations... .that would be local, preferably organic, non-GMO, grown food....you'll either get this info or not, however the seed will be planted......I love that...

In Oneness,


Lou Anne

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Hi All You Beings of Light....

What I SO LOVE about what I am doing not just on the farm, but the relationships I cultivate as I continue on here...the interns I am blessed  to work, play, and co-habitate with are the generation of Enlightenment....I am Blown away....They are between the ages of 19- 24....there is a KNOWING already in place....so as these extraordinary interns show up at the farm, once we talk a bit, WOW...I am not just here to farm the land but to connect with, these beings of light who understood they are the next wave of Indigo's...and they have told me....how cool is that!!!!.  Living sustainably is what
they are guided to do.......Today, my roommates and I went to the "Apple Festival" in Charlevoix, a delightfully charming waterfront town, 20 mi drive from the farm. It has been a gloriously beautiful fall day, and I am SO grateful for this day....I am a bit tuckered out....so this entry will be brief...I'd like to show off a few photos, tho....OK...the first one one is me on the tractor hauling out our first pumpkin harvest....Next, I HAD to take this photo....this is an existing Rexall Pharmacy in Charlevoix....so I asked Tess, my roommate to stand in front....as a sign of the times...next is the delightful waterfront in Charlevoix, which reminded me of Annapolis, MD....next, an upview of Fall foliage, and last but so not least, a photo of Tess, me and Hannah, interns here at Coveyou Farm.....overlooking our stupendous view....We have more photos to share....In the meantime....In Oneness....


Lou Anne


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

HI Again....All You Beings of Light!

I HAD TO SHARE something from Mike Dooley, and author , spriritual teacher, I also love....he sends me "Notes From the Universe" everyday. And since I SO RESONATE WITH THIS, I had to share!!! It's what I know about me....Perhaps THIS IS YOU TOO!!!! Welcome to the team!!....In Onenesss....


Lou Anne

Lou Anne, you are the one who was sent to make a difference, to be a bridge, to light the way, by living the truths that have been revealed to you, so that others might do the same.

So now you know why you've always seen the world so differently than others.

To help,
    The Universe
 Dang, Lou Anne, folks have no idea your on our team, huh? Cool.
Hi All You Beings of Light....

I'm on my lunch break here at the farm, and thought I'd post something, as we have our "Farmily"dinner tonight, and may not have time later....it's been rainy and cold, but gorgeous with the fall color palette of foliage we have now....I'll be posting pictures soon.  Today we focused on harvesting our pumkin crop and spiffying up our farm store, because a film crew came to do a story....

I did want share something from Neale Donald Walsch, as I have followed, and loved his work for years  He is the author of "Conversations With God" series of novels....I'm on his email list and get lovely quotes each day.  I SO LOVED THIS!....and hope you will to...Til next time...In Oneness....


Lou Anne

On this day of your life,
Lou Anne, I believe God wants you to know...    

...that if you do not the expect the unexpected you will not find it,
for it is not to be reached by search or trail.

Heraclitus said that, and he was right.
Life is delighted to bring you The Unexpected.
Are you delighted to receive it?

Indeed, belief in the coming of The Unexpected is the
genesis of hope. How can you hope for anything breathtaking or
exciting if you can only hope for the already expected? Therefore,
you must always think that anything can happen. Form your ideas
and your dreams within that framework!  Remember,
God specializes in The Unexpected.

Love,  Your Friend ...

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Hi All You Beings of Light...

Ok....I promised more about the "Adventures of Meeting My Twin Soul"....I will DO that, soon....but I have been listening to a PHENOMINAL interview by Kelli In The Raw...it's 2.5 hrs long....if  you are ready, stay tuned for an incredible interview....  which I am sharing,  CUZ I GET THIS....If any of this info resonates...COOL BEANS!!!!! Click here.....
crazy cool info

....In Oneness...


Lou Anne

Friday, October 3, 2014

Hi All You Beings of Light!

I truly have to laugh because....In my last blog, I mentioned we were doing inside need I say  "easywork" at the farm because of the drenching rain....wweeeel....then the rain subsided just long enough for us to rip out plastic mulch out of one of the fields.....talk about a mud bath....heee heee..This picture doesn't due my appearance justice, cuz my face looked like I got up close and personal with a chimeny...and my boots are usually very light tan suede....I was going to post last night....but didn't get to it....so I will attempt again this eve...til then, In Oneness....


Lou Anne

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hi All You Beings of Light!!

When I created this blog in 2012,  I had an idea of what I wanted to write about, but I had a feeling that it would take on a life/soul of it's own, when the time came.....And it's been coming, yee haw! .....And everyday I think of what I want to share with all of you...But as I've mentioned , I work on an transitional organic farm  and I'm usually working in a field, and can't jot down what comes to my mind.  Coveyou Scenic Farm, is near Petoskey, Michigan, 3 miles from Lake Michigan...is a gorgeous property....It's been in the Coveyou family since the late 1800's....cool huh?


Well....today we've got drenching rain, so we are doing indoor work....processing a greenhouse of onions....I'm on my lunch break, and thought I'd write a little more....
Here's a photo of our motley farm"ily"....yours truly on the end on the right. We have meals together every wednesday.  We get to enjoy the fruits (vegi's) of our labor. All of the food on the farm is for us to enjoy....Oh, and the view behind us is from my back deck....It's SO AWESOME and I am so blessed to enjoy this beauty everyday...

I'll be back later this afternoon, and will definitely  write more....it's time for more adventures of meeting my Twin Soul.....

Until then,

In Oneness,

Namaste, Lou Anne

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Hi All You Beings of Light!

I shared a cool interview with my Facebook friends of Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris, a well renowned evolution biologist and futurist....If you didn't get a chance to see it, click on this link....please go to .

Okay....SO....I haven't posted much lately, again....Besides taking on a farming internship on 25 acres of a non-GMO/organic farm, a little over an hour away from Traverse City,  I have recently come back from a visit to my family and friends in San Diego....It was a great visit!!  I stayed with my mom, who is 89 years young....hung out with some of my family at my my nephew's wedding, with my daughter, and a good friend of hers, both having just relocated to San Diego from Long Island, NY...AND threw in a little time at my 40th high school reunion......

I  am behind on posting about the adventures of meeting my twin flame, though, not on purpose, ....I prefer relaxed time to write...SO, I have to admit...after 10 hours of harvesting crops, 5 1/2 days a week.....SLEEP is priority...I Love you all!! Many Blessings....

In Oneness!!   ALWAYS!!!!

Namaste...Lou Anne

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Hi All You Beings of Light!

It has been way too long since my last post....I do apologize....There's been lots of interference from the newer entities, that are causing some crazy behaviors, and decisions from my Soul Family members.  All I can do is continue loving them unconditionally and shine a Light  their way.  A dear friend and SOUL SISTA of mine, who is re-aquainting herself with her intuitive and psychic capabilities, as well as her relationship with her Guardian Angels, decided to give me a reading, which she has never done while I've known her...what a blessing.... In the reading she reminded me that the more I Love and hold the Light for these folks and others, the more their Karma will show up, and be directed toward me.  It is part of my journey,  my work.....I was SO grateful for her reminder...I don't know about you all, but it can be VERY challenging to say the least, when you are constantly a direct hit from the dark....
So as I was explaining this to a recent addition of my Soul Family....and I have to laugh, cuz, I got the image and voice saying "Incoming" SHIT being thrown my way....and a voice saying....DUCK!!!! What a game changer humor is.....ya know....I'll also be sharing with you other cool info about the signs of the times.......

In Oneness!!!


Lou Anne

Hi All YOU Beings of LIGHT!!!

I am So sorry for not adding any updates!  SO much has been going on....in my life, on the planet, not to mention, the Universe....I did want to share this info I got from,Kauilapele's blog,
which I follow regularly....Alfred L. Webre's interview is very enlightening... GREAT NEWS about the RV of the Federal Reserve Note, the BRICS Currency, The Beginning of the Dinar Revaluation, and much more....if you don't have an ear for a heavy Spanish accent, then go to , a box will pop up to give you an English translation.

I will write more later....In Oneness...

Namaste...Lou Anne

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Hi All You Beings of Light!

I have to share a beautiful message I got via Brenda Tenerelli...about the Twins purpose...

In Oness...Namaste,
Lou Anne

#41 Twin-Flames: A Call to the Sacred Masculine: Ten Daring Invitations from the Divine Feminine.
By Brenda Tenerelli-Sacred Rose Energies on Wednesday, July 16, 2014 at 9:52pm

A Call to the Sacred Masculine: Ten Daring Invitations from the Divine Feminine.

Via Lori Ann Lothianon May 29, 2012
Photo: Michael Julian Berz

If I am going to act like a goddess, I want a man who acts like a god.

Yet all this talk lately of the goddess and the Divine Feminine seems like new-age wishful thinking, a fantasy archetype with as much to do with real life as Superwoman or the Fairy God Mother.

While goddess propagandists promote the unilateral concept of a spiritually elevated womanhood—strong but supple, decisive and nurturing, wild yet wise—glaringly absent is a call to the Sacred Masculine counterpoint. Women can forever rally around each other, cheerleading new heights of intuitive and open-hearted power, but without the cooperation of menfolk stealing their own fire from the gods, we are preaching to the sistah choir.
Bottomline? Organizing a spiritual revolution as women without inviting men to the front lines with us means we are orchestrating a collective reframe with only half the available power. Real change means humanity—yes both genders—opts for the cosmic upgrade to Divine Class together.

So, on behalf of the X chromosome, here is my invitation to mortal men who wish to dance as gods with wanna-be goddesses.

1. Show us your heroic heart. We know you want to save what is worth saving and to rescue this planet from peril. Wage a hero’s battle against poverty, needless strife, environmental ruin or whatever stirs your courageous heart. It might be a plan to increase your neighborhood safety, to improve your child’s education, to plant a vegetable garden in your backyard or to stop prejudice wherever you see it. The world needs your brave heart to take bold action.

2. Unsheathe your sword. As a man, you wield a sword of truth that can cut through cultural distractions to what really matters. The faster car, the better sports team, the bigger salary are all fine and dandy but on your deathbed, what unfulfilled vision will you regret the most? What risk did you back away from? What chance did you refuse to take? Before you die, be bold enough to discover and live your truth.

3. Dare to dream. Before you played the role of mortal, you (well, we) created the heavens and earth. What do you wish to create here and now? What beautiful order do you wish to bring forth from the chaos of this world. What implausible dream do you want to manifest for the greater good of all? It doesn’t have to be grand, like solving world hunger. It can be simple, like solving your child’s homework problem because you are dedicated to being a great father. All we care about is that something brings you alive with passion.

4. Steer the ship. Aim your life for a noble horizon. It’s not like there’s a second in command who will captain your destiny while you snooze on the sofa after too many beers and potato chips with the TV droning in the background. Get to the helm of your life and navigate by your own pole star, the true north of your heart’s burning desire. Tip: if you don’t know what port you’re headed for, no wind is favorable.

5. Bring your soul to work. Work for more than the mortgage and car payments—work because you find some measure of joy in your job. And if the job is just to make ends meet for now, then meet that employment with gratitude and a call to service. Know that it’s not what you do, but what you bring to what you do, that matters.

6. Care deeply. As a man, you might have been taught to feel lightly and think hard, to hold your emotions back, as if you can build a dam against what naturally must flow. But your caring is what this world cries for. The tender-hearted masculine is both wise and merciful. When you weep, you give women permission to be strong. When your heart breaks we want to know it so that we can heal it together.

7. Love fearlessly. Show us the way by standing firm when we are in a beautiful rage. Don’t run from our fury—after all it might contain magical wisdom. In the gale force of feminine anger, your calm is a powerful reminder that we are met and accepted by our beloved partner.

8. Ravish your woman. Every now and then, take her wholeheartedly, without apology. Press her against a wall and bind her with your kisses. Possess your goddess, oh great god that you are, and then let her possess you. Polarity is a potent nectar and the current runs both ways.

9. Slay your demons. We all have them, the dark part of our hearts, the crevices where our fear and loathing hideout. Notice what keeps you awake at night and stalk it. Hunt your darkness and drag it into the light for loving and healing.

10. Leave your mark. Don’t settle for a fleeting cameo in which your appearance in this kingdom is so quickly forgotten. What do you want your children to say about you? Your great-grandchildren? The greatest legacy is not the wealth you leave behind, but your heartfelt message that echoes forward to future generations.

Ultimately, this dance of the divine in both genders is not about lighting incense, chanting at kirtan, wearing white or even gathering in gender-specific goddess groups or men’s Iron John style movements designed to reclaim a lost chest-thumping masculine. Rather, it’s about being real 360-degree humans, embracing both the sacred and the mundane within ourselves and each other.
When men are willing to meet women heart-first and to live from that divine place of kingly wisdom, warrior courage and boy-like vulnerability, we women are given the gift of receiving all of you. And we are given permission to reveal all of who we are—the nurturing goddess, the juicy seductress and yes, even the nasty b*tch.

In the end, the call to a Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine is perhaps just the simple yearning to get out of our crazy-busy heads and into our still-knowing hearts. As Rumi says, “I looked in Temples, Churches and Mosques. I found the Divine in my heart.”

Whatever the divine really is, let’s find it together.
