Sunday, September 28, 2014

Hi All You Beings of Light!

I shared a cool interview with my Facebook friends of Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris, a well renowned evolution biologist and futurist....If you didn't get a chance to see it, click on this link....please go to .

Okay....SO....I haven't posted much lately, again....Besides taking on a farming internship on 25 acres of a non-GMO/organic farm, a little over an hour away from Traverse City,  I have recently come back from a visit to my family and friends in San Diego....It was a great visit!!  I stayed with my mom, who is 89 years young....hung out with some of my family at my my nephew's wedding, with my daughter, and a good friend of hers, both having just relocated to San Diego from Long Island, NY...AND threw in a little time at my 40th high school reunion......

I  am behind on posting about the adventures of meeting my twin flame, though, not on purpose, ....I prefer relaxed time to write...SO, I have to admit...after 10 hours of harvesting crops, 5 1/2 days a week.....SLEEP is priority...I Love you all!! Many Blessings....

In Oneness!!   ALWAYS!!!!

Namaste...Lou Anne

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Hi All You Beings of Light!

It has been way too long since my last post....I do apologize....There's been lots of interference from the newer entities, that are causing some crazy behaviors, and decisions from my Soul Family members.  All I can do is continue loving them unconditionally and shine a Light  their way.  A dear friend and SOUL SISTA of mine, who is re-aquainting herself with her intuitive and psychic capabilities, as well as her relationship with her Guardian Angels, decided to give me a reading, which she has never done while I've known her...what a blessing.... In the reading she reminded me that the more I Love and hold the Light for these folks and others, the more their Karma will show up, and be directed toward me.  It is part of my journey,  my work.....I was SO grateful for her reminder...I don't know about you all, but it can be VERY challenging to say the least, when you are constantly a direct hit from the dark....
So as I was explaining this to a recent addition of my Soul Family....and I have to laugh, cuz, I got the image and voice saying "Incoming" SHIT being thrown my way....and a voice saying....DUCK!!!! What a game changer humor is.....ya know....I'll also be sharing with you other cool info about the signs of the times.......

In Oneness!!!


Lou Anne

Hi All YOU Beings of LIGHT!!!

I am So sorry for not adding any updates!  SO much has been going my life, on the planet, not to mention, the Universe....I did want to share this info I got from,Kauilapele's blog,
which I follow regularly....Alfred L. Webre's interview is very enlightening... GREAT NEWS about the RV of the Federal Reserve Note, the BRICS Currency, The Beginning of the Dinar Revaluation, and much more....if you don't have an ear for a heavy Spanish accent, then go to , a box will pop up to give you an English translation.

I will write more later....In Oneness...

Namaste...Lou Anne