Sunday, October 2, 2022

 Hi, All You BEings of Light!!!!!

Yes, it HAS been 8 years since my last post.....The Universe gave me a big nudge, it's TIME to write again... Lots of transitions for me, which I feel has been preparing me for this incarnation, at this time, and what's to come very soon.  Humanity is at a crossroads like no other, in Human History. I have known about this "TIME", since 2007, when I started going down rabbit holes, and was introduced to Dolores Cannon's work. I will post some links below of her videos.  

I'd like to also share this current video conversation, that explains some of what I have come to KNOW. Warning: This will be a mind blower for alot of folks.  

By the end of October,  for all intents and purposes, ALL the Systems we have hung onto, will be in freefall. Financial, educational, medical, political, commercial shipping of goods, you name it, they are tanking. WHY? Because all these systems and the people who pull the strings, are based on lies, greed, corruption, manipulation, and other evil doings. Believe it or not, there is a silver lining, which I will get to. (Thus the title of my blog)

For the financial, get your money OUT of the banks, NOW! The dollar and other countries currencies, have no value, other than the value WE give it. You can only print so much debt, right? Banks have already closed doors in several countries, causing riots. In the UK, the pound has nose dived. And in Scotland they are only allowing depositors limited access to their funds. Expect to see that coming to a neighborhood bank near you. And if you all think the FDIC has your back, think again. Federal anything, is privately owned. Look it up.....Ever notice when you try to take out a large amount of YOUR funds, the bank manager, coughs and sputters, 'Uh, we can't do that.' WTF for, you should ask!  It's YOUR money!  Or is it? Here is a great rundown of what's going down. Bix has been doing the work for decades...

Their are a handful of  "bloodlines" who RUN EVERYTHING. They are running out of time and resources, and they know it. They will stop at nothing, SERIOUSLY, to keep this from happening. All catastrophies have been manipulated by them to create FEAR in the masses, which is their idea of nourishment. They have technology to do this.  But so do WE...and then some. As the old systems crumble, TRUTHS come out, we have the opportunity to CREATE new ways of living and thriving.  As you probably guessed, it will be "no picnic"! This will be a time of creating community and resilience, with your families, friends, neighbors, tribe, and soul families. Time to take back our power, our sovereignty!!!!  Time to remember who we truly are, and why we are here, NOW, at this most pivotal, yet, auspicious time.

There will be no Made in China anything.....which is a huge blessing. We used to be the manufacturing and farming hub of the world. and we will be again. We now have technology that will help to catapult us into "The New Earth". I will close for now...but much more to come!! There WILL be a ton of Shock and Awe coming....Stay out of FEAR! That is how they control us! Keep peace in your heart. TRUST,  the Universe has your back. Tune into opportunities, as anything and everything is possible!! I'm sharing a beautiful rendition of one of my favorite songs, from my one of my favorite musicals, "Carousel"!....We are so much more than we have been told, all of our lifetimes!!

Thanks for stopping by! Much, much love.  Namaste......

P.S. Get your hands on silver and gold, especially silver....NOW!

I will post more trusted companies in my next blog...internet here is wonky at best. (income plus wealth creation opportunity)

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