Thursday, June 12, 2014

Hi All You Beings of Light!
Okay,  SO I promised more about my adventures of meeting my twin flame. I believe, The WHO is next.  In the summer of 2012, I traveled first to Chico, Ca.  I met up with some brilliant inventors and followers, of which I was one, of  Ralph and Marsha  Ring.  They were having a blessing of the works of these brave inventors. Ralph had worked as a young lab assistant to Otis Carr, in the 50's, who was a student of Nikola Tesla.  After that, I was supposed to travel with several people from the event to meet up with other inventor's, including Dr. Patrick Flanagan. However it was determined it was too dangerous for me to accompany the group as some of these inventor's lives have been threatened. So I had to go to plan B. Since most of my family lived in California, I visited them, then headed back east.  I ended up visiting a friend in Denver, who I had gotten to know, during The Occupy Movement in D.C. the year before. I ended up staying in Colorado, for a few months, as a caregiver/personal assistant to a paraplegic woman, with MS.   Please understand this is more of a "Cliff Notes" version of all that transpired.   The short of it is, this is when I met Sharon, my fellow blogger. She was traveling in an RV, which I had always wanted to do. I was taking a run, when I noticed writing on her RV.  It said something about Angels, which I was fascinated I went up to the RV knocked on the door...we talked like we were old soul sister's. She ended up telling me her story, and about her Twin Flame, and their journey. She gave me a copy of her book of poetry, she wrote about their relationship, "One Light, One Love."  She said, "If you want to know who your Twin is, read the book,  visualize the type of man you and God chose, then let it go, and he will show up." That was in late August 2012, and on my mornings off,  we would spend time sharing like-minded information as we were both aware of the changes going on the planet.  I left Colorado in early September, headed back to Pittsburgh, PA.  I'm going to end this entry here....even though, I am still on the WHO!    
For more information about  Dr. Flanagan, please check out this site : Patrick Flanagan   If you want to know more about what Ralph and Marsha are up to these days,  Go to this blog.  You can also go to: Ralph's site. Blessings.

In Oneness, Namaste.

By Lou Anne Hoffman

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