Friday, May 30, 2014

Hi all you beings of light!!

I hope you took time out to listen to Katy Perry's song, "Unconditionally" I posted yesterday.  It's amazing how much more music is written about Twin relationships. Another fav of mine is by Savage Garden, I Knew I Loved You.. ..Here it is with lyrics..

I also want to share with you the most  recent post by soul sister, Sharon, on our Twin-Flamestidings blog. Lots of great information and resources.Great Twin-Flame info....

Which brings me to my next post. I  haven't really told you about the adventures of meeting my Twin-Flame. As this is an involved 2 year story, I'll let you in on my adventures, in increments.  My first knowing there was a particular man meant for me, was when I was married, gosh, around 1995, I think.  I remember driving in Washington, PA. where I lived with my husband and daughter. All of a sudden a CLEAR male voice said to me, "There IS someone out there for you." I had been thinking at the time, that  my marriage was OK, but, I knew my husband wasn't the "ONE". Low and behold, I got the answer, from whom I now realize was Source/God.
Now, fast forward to June 2012.  My husband and I had divorced many years before, in fact he transitioned to the otherside in 2008. My daughter was in her junior year in college in New York, and I was still living near Pittsburgh. Then, I started getting restless, and  felt this HUGE urge to, simply GO...leave.  I had started on my own spiritual path in 2006, so I knew I was being guided.  To What, Where, How, and Why, I didn't really KNOW, yet. Funny, I must have had a feeling though earlier, because I had started downsizing. Every year I'd have a yard sale.  I got less and less attached to STUFF!
I had done lots of research on Tesla technology, Pyramid Technology, Free energy, sustainable living and had grown my own organic food.  I even bought 2 acres of non-GMO seeds. So I  felt I was being directed to eventually live on a farm, which resonated with I got the What......NEXT  comes the WHO....  Til my next entry,  in Oneness,  Namaste.  Have a blessed day.

By Lou Anne Hoffman  

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