Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hi Again, All You Beings of Light!!

I'm going to throw you all a curve ball....A few years ago, I was inspired/Divinely Guided  to write a book about Fearlessness.....I have already compiled some wonderful data of my own, to include in my book....But What I would like is that you post your experiences of fearlessness....I welcome your input, and experiences....I'd also like to share a favorite quote of mine, that I SO resonate with....

"Fearless is not only possible, it is the ultimate joy.  When you touch nonfear, you are free."

Thich Nhat Hahn

Time for bed,

In Oneness.....


Lou Anne
Hi All You Beings of Light!!

I KNOW it's been a week since my last post....Lots going on here on the farm. I've got a few more pics for your enjoyment....We are clearing out the fields, repairing high tunnels, getting ready for the winter months....also planted a ton of garlic cloves this week, you'd think I'd never want to see another clove again....nope, love the stuff!!.....My roommate for the last 2 months, Tess, has left the farm, taking on an assistant manager postion.on another farm near Macon, Georgia.  She is already missed by all, and wish her much love an success....Tess is a wonderful artist, , too, so I did want to share a couple of  her drawings....they are SO COOL!  Thanks Tess!!!  Love you lots!!!

I'm having issues with my I'm going to end this tiny post and write another one in a bit....In Oneness...


Lou Anne

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Hi All You Beings of Light....

I've been putting in lots of hours on the I'm a bit behind on my postings....however I did want to share with you something....I'm a huge follower of the talent shows on TV....because it showcases the talents of SO MANY...Indigo's who are sharing their PASSION< JOY< PURPOSE< TALENT< LIGHT . I want share with you one of those from "America's Got Talent" UK....Meet Lettice..FYI...I LOVE her Wit, too....she is an old soul with a young VIBE....I know We'd have a good old time.....Enjoy!...Namaste....Be ready to be BLOWN AWAY

In Oneness....


Lou Anne

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Hi All You Beings of Light!

This came to me in my email.....I KNOW this information...Sacred Science... I always have....I'm sending you this link .  Please click on it.... To alleviate health issues is to eat healthy food, but food that has not been impacted by corporations... .that would be local, preferably organic, non-GMO, grown'll either get this info or not, however the seed will be planted......I love that...

In Oneness,


Lou Anne

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Hi All You Beings of Light....

What I SO LOVE about what I am doing not just on the farm, but the relationships I cultivate as I continue on here...the interns I am blessed  to work, play, and co-habitate with are the generation of Enlightenment....I am Blown away....They are between the ages of 19- 24....there is a KNOWING already in as these extraordinary interns show up at the farm, once we talk a bit, WOW...I am not just here to farm the land but to connect with, these beings of light who understood they are the next wave of Indigo's...and they have told cool is that!!!!.  Living sustainably is what
they are guided to do.......Today, my roommates and I went to the "Apple Festival" in Charlevoix, a delightfully charming waterfront town, 20 mi drive from the farm. It has been a gloriously beautiful fall day, and I am SO grateful for this day....I am a bit tuckered this entry will be brief...I'd like to show off a few photos, tho....OK...the first one one is me on the tractor hauling out our first pumpkin harvest....Next, I HAD to take this photo....this is an existing Rexall Pharmacy in I asked Tess, my roommate to stand in a sign of the is the delightful waterfront in Charlevoix, which reminded me of Annapolis,, an upview of Fall foliage, and last but so not least, a photo of Tess, me and Hannah, interns here at Coveyou Farm.....overlooking our stupendous view....We have more photos to share....In the meantime....In Oneness....


Lou Anne


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

HI Again....All You Beings of Light!

I HAD TO SHARE something from Mike Dooley, and author , spriritual teacher, I also love....he sends me "Notes From the Universe" everyday. And since I SO RESONATE WITH THIS, I had to share!!! It's what I know about me....Perhaps THIS IS YOU TOO!!!! Welcome to the team!!....In Onenesss....


Lou Anne

Lou Anne, you are the one who was sent to make a difference, to be a bridge, to light the way, by living the truths that have been revealed to you, so that others might do the same.

So now you know why you've always seen the world so differently than others.

To help,
    The Universe
 Dang, Lou Anne, folks have no idea your on our team, huh? Cool.
Hi All You Beings of Light....

I'm on my lunch break here at the farm, and thought I'd post something, as we have our "Farmily"dinner tonight, and may not have time's been rainy and cold, but gorgeous with the fall color palette of foliage we have now....I'll be posting pictures soon.  Today we focused on harvesting our pumkin crop and spiffying up our farm store, because a film crew came to do a story....

I did want share something from Neale Donald Walsch, as I have followed, and loved his work for years  He is the author of "Conversations With God" series of novels....I'm on his email list and get lovely quotes each day.  I SO LOVED THIS!....and hope you will to...Til next time...In Oneness....


Lou Anne

On this day of your life,
Lou Anne, I believe God wants you to know...    

...that if you do not the expect the unexpected you will not find it,
for it is not to be reached by search or trail.

Heraclitus said that, and he was right.
Life is delighted to bring you The Unexpected.
Are you delighted to receive it?

Indeed, belief in the coming of The Unexpected is the
genesis of hope. How can you hope for anything breathtaking or
exciting if you can only hope for the already expected? Therefore,
you must always think that anything can happen. Form your ideas
and your dreams within that framework!  Remember,
God specializes in The Unexpected.

Love,  Your Friend ...

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Hi All You Beings of Light...

Ok....I promised more about the "Adventures of Meeting My Twin Soul"....I will DO that, soon....but I have been listening to a PHENOMINAL interview by Kelli In The's 2.5 hrs long....if  you are ready, stay tuned for an incredible interview....  which I am sharing,  CUZ I GET THIS....If any of this info resonates...COOL BEANS!!!!! Click here.....
crazy cool info

....In Oneness...


Lou Anne

Friday, October 3, 2014

Hi All You Beings of Light!

I truly have to laugh because....In my last blog, I mentioned we were doing inside need I say  "easywork" at the farm because of the drenching rain....wweeeel....then the rain subsided just long enough for us to rip out plastic mulch out of one of the about a mud bath....heee heee..This picture doesn't due my appearance justice, cuz my face looked like I got up close and personal with a chimeny...and my boots are usually very light tan suede....I was going to post last night....but didn't get to I will attempt again this eve...til then, In Oneness....


Lou Anne

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hi All You Beings of Light!!

When I created this blog in 2012,  I had an idea of what I wanted to write about, but I had a feeling that it would take on a life/soul of it's own, when the time came.....And it's been coming, yee haw! .....And everyday I think of what I want to share with all of you...But as I've mentioned , I work on an transitional organic farm  and I'm usually working in a field, and can't jot down what comes to my mind.  Coveyou Scenic Farm, is near Petoskey, Michigan, 3 miles from Lake a gorgeous property....It's been in the Coveyou family since the late 1800' huh?

I LOVE THIS ADVENTURE !! we've got drenching rain, so we are doing indoor work....processing a greenhouse of onions....I'm on my lunch break, and thought I'd write a little more....
Here's a photo of our motley farm"ily"....yours truly on the end on the right. We have meals together every wednesday.  We get to enjoy the fruits (vegi's) of our labor. All of the food on the farm is for us to enjoy....Oh, and the view behind us is from my back deck....It's SO AWESOME and I am so blessed to enjoy this beauty everyday...

I'll be back later this afternoon, and will definitely  write's time for more adventures of meeting my Twin Soul.....

Until then,

In Oneness,

Namaste, Lou Anne